How to Putt Like a Pro: Golf Putting Tips

By Ben Jarratt •  Updated: 07/14/23 •  6 min read

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You’ve finally mastered the golf swing, and now you’re ready to take your game to the next level. But before you start worrying about learning how to hit a curveball, why not perfect your putting stroke? It’s one of the easiest ways to add strokes on the course without having an “off day” at all. This blog post will discuss some great tips for making a great-looking Putting Stroke in golf!

The Grip

golf putting tips - grip

When it comes to putting, the grip is the first place to check in on and see if corrections need to be made. People tend to hold the putter too tightly and end up gripping it like a baseball bat. The golf grip is more of a handshake with an extra finger on top, so make sure you are holding the club in that way as well!

The Stroke

Putter aside, one of the most important things when putting is how far away from the hole you stand. Too close will result in many missed opportunities, but if you’re too far back, then your stroke won’t have enough power behind it for distance control. This can be corrected by playing around with your feet until they feel right to you.

Putting Stance

One of the best ways to improve your putting game is to work on your putting stance. People work on this by putting all their weight on their back foot to the point where they feel it lifting off the ground. This type of stance is excellent for longer putts because you can get a lot more power behind your stroke, but this will slow down your swing and give away too much time when putting from mid-range distances.

Aiming For The Hole

golf putting tips - golf ball near hole

Another tip for putting comes down to aiming for the hole. One way to practice this is by playing golf with family and friends in your backyard. Set up a flagstick at the end of each put so that you can see it when arcing towards the hole, or if not possible, have someone tell you how far away from the spot they think you are after every stroke.


Practice putting towards the hole with a proper stance and using the correct club grip.

The Follow Through

The follow-through when putting can mean the difference between skimming the surface of the green and sinking your ball deep into it.
You want to maintain a low enough follow-through for the clubhead to pass over the golf ball, but at no point should you have any bending in your knees or back – this will put too much pressure on your spine.

The Front Foot

When aiming for break-in-two shots from off of one’s feet (e.g., teeing up), many people struggle with keeping their weight on their front foot rather than shifting towards their toes when making contact with the ground behind them. Practice hitting some balls out onto an empty field as if they were tee shots, then take note of where your weight shifts during contact. With each attempt, your body will naturally start to feel the feeling of where it should be.

Practice Makes Perfect

The saying practice makes perfect couldn’t be more true when it comes to golf, especially your putting game.

Immediate Consequences for Poor Putting Technique

man with purple and white golf shoes

So what are the immediate consequences of poor putting technique? Well, it’s not necessarily that you’ll make a lot more putts than someone who has a good approach when all things being equal. However, golf is hard enough as it is, and some bad habits can be hard to break once they’ve been learned, so if your game could use an improvement in any way, then starting with improving your putting techniques may be worth it!

A Better Stroke In Golf: The Putt Approach Shot

The approach shot to the green comes down to two factors: distance from the hole and degree of slope toward or away from the target. When hitting this shot, we want to focus on how much power is needed in the shot and the slope towards the target.

The slope will dictate how far we want to hit the ball. If the shot is downhill, then you only need a short stroke and vice versa if it’s uphill.

Keeping Your Head Down & The Line Of Play

The line of play is what golfers call their target before they make any shots on the course. It could be an area where there are no trees or hazards that would interfere with your drive, but it can also refer to something like keeping your head down through impact to get more loft in your swing when striking from behind the ball (the “downswing”). Keeping your head down throughout this process helps keep everything compact and corrects errors that may occur by leaving space between hips and shoulders or being overly ridged.

Tension In The Body

It is vitally important to remember not to hold any tension in the body when you swing back to putt. It is natural to hold a little bit of tension in the body as you prepare for impact, but it should be released immediately following your swing. If you do not release this tension by relaxing and letting go after contact with the ball, you will find that your putting stroke becomes very jerky and uncomfortable.

The “Left Side” Of The Putting Stroke

Putting Stroke

When learning how to make a great-looking golf putt, every golfer needs to understand what we call the left side of their putting stroke (for right-handed golfers). This refers to hitting behind or below the ball from an upright position instead of bending over, as most people think about doing when on course. Players must take into account the slope of the shot as well as their stance.

There are two key points to remember when making a great looking golf putt from this position:

In Conclusion

When it comes to putting practice makes perfect. Remember to keep your focus on the tips mentioned above in this article. Don’t hold your grip too tightly; nice and relaxed. Focus on your putting stance and the distance you stand away from the ball. Aim for the hole but keep your head down until you have hit the ball, and lastly, keep a good solid follow through with your putt! Now that you have these new tips, get out there and practice, practice, practice!