Golf Simulators: Are They Accurate?

By Ben Jarratt •  Updated: 07/14/23 •  6 min read

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Golfers are starting to realize that golf simulators are not always accurate. When they hit a ball in the simulator, it doesn’t go where their physical swing went. This can be confusing for new players and cause frustration when playing against someone who uses an actual course. There are some reasons why this might happen: the club head face angle may not be correct, or there could be differences in how much power was applied on a swing versus what happened with the simulation. In this blog post by Twin Golfer, we will explore these issues and look at solutions to make your golf simulator more accurate!

What is a Golf Simulator?

A golf simulator is a system that allows you to practice your swing in an indoor setting. They are usually used by serious golfers who can’t get enough time on the course due to weather, distance from their desired location, or other factors outside of their control. Golf simulators allow players to set up all sorts of variables like altitude and wind speed so they may have the best possible experience when practicing indoors.  We will explore this topic in greater detail throughout our blog post!

What makes them different from video games?

Golf simulations are not just about swinging at balls until one goes into a hole – you need skills with both club head-face angle as well as power management for each shot.

What are the Benefits of using a Golf Simulator?

Golf simulators are for serious golfers, not casual players.

  1. Allows players to set up all sorts of variables like altitude and wind speed so they may have the best possible experience when practicing indoors.
  2. Aids in improving swing mechanics and vision and mastery over club head-face angle and power management for each shot.
  3. It helps reproduce different courses from around the world, which gives a player more flexibility with their time – you don’t need to take an hour-long drive before playing 18 holes!

Are They Accurate?

Do golf simulators accurately measure your swing speed, distance, etc.?
Golf simulators are not 100% accurate, but they are close.
There is a lot more to consider when using a golf simulator than just your swing speed and distance. When you consider wind speeds, elevation changes, ball flight, etc., the accuracy of how well it mimics those things increases exponentially.
The biggest problem with most golf simulators is that there are no sensors to measure these conditions, so the numbers generated by them are only approximations at best. But as technology becomes more advanced, this limitation will eventually go away.
For now, though, if you’re looking for an approximation on how far or fast your shots may be going off of specific courses, then they might work for you.

Cost of Golf Simulator?

So how much does it cost to have a golf simulator?
The answer is not so straightforward.
There are a few factors to consider, and they all affect the price of it, but let’s take a look at what you’re going to get for your money:
There are two types of golf simulators available on the market today – Home Golf Simulators or Pro Golf Simulator Units.
A home unit will come in cheaper than a pro unit as far as initial purchase goes because they do not have the same accuracy that professional companies offer (although this gap is closing) and don’t provide nearly as many features. A pro simulator costs more upfront due to its increased functionality but saves potential customers money over time by avoiding unnecessary practice rounds when trying out new courses.

Factors to Consider

What are some other essential factors to consider when thinking about trying out a golf simulator?

Price – We are starting at $600 for a home unit and up to $20,000+ for pro units.

Upfront Cost – In the long-term, that is an advantage of going with a professional golf simulator.

Maintenance Costs – Pro simulators are usually more expensive in this regard but less so than they were just five years ago due to industry competition and demand among consumers driving down prices.

Flexibility – With most home units, you will need space on your property or nearby land to play since one side of the ball has to be longer than the other (about 20 square feet). A pro simulator can fit inside any room you want!

Availability – Home models are much easier to find these days because more and more simulators come to the market. If you are looking for a pro model, it is much more challenging to find options.

Who Makes Good Simulators That Won’t Break The Bank?

In our opinion, the best are Golfsim and Swing Zone. Both are affordable professional golf simulators that offer excellent accuracy.
*Golf Sim – $2500 plus installation
*Swing Zone- $3000 plus installation
Both companies will come to your home or office for a free consultation if you want them in person! They can also do custom sizing, so make sure to ask about this when they come out for their initial visit. Finally, both manufacturers have excellent warranties on all of their products (at least five years). That means we’ll be there with replacement parts should anything go wrong during those first few years after purchase. You won’t need it but know that’s an option available at any point in time.

What Should I Look For In A Simulator Before Purchasing?

There are some essential factors to consider before purchasing a golf simulator. First, the loft on your club has to match with the virtual ball for any shot to be accurate. Second, you will need to know how high or low of an angle you want your swing plane and what speed you wish it would travel at (think about whether this matters if you are new to playing or not). Thirdly, suppose someone else is using the machine, and they hit different clubs than yours. In that case, all shots may have varying degrees of accuracy because each clubface requires its set-up regarding contact point height off the ground and lie angle – make sure that person knows which one matches their equipment when simulating!

Lastly, it’s vital to do your homework when it comes to a simulator to be put into your home or office. There are many different makes and models out now, so be sure to ask questions and get all of your answers before you move forward. Once you have, enjoy swinging away and making the best use of your simulator! After some decent practice, time don’t forget to go out and hit the natural greens!