A Guide to Chipping: Golf Tips for Your Practice

By Ben Jarratt •  Updated: 07/14/23 •  7 min read

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If you want to improve your golf game, you must practice the chipping technique. Chipping is a skill on the golf course that many players find challenging and frustrating. It’s not so hard to learn, though! In this blog post, we will be discussing some of the best tips for chipping. First, let’s talk about what chipping is.

What are Golf Chips?

Chipping is the golf technique used when you are within 100 yards of the green and want to put up onto it. Instead of trying for a high loft shot, as in full swing or putting with your hands, chipping involves striking the ball on its edge at an upward angle so that it will bounce into the air after hitting sand or grass and then land softly on top of greenside rough before rolling across to meet (or sometimes just behind) the hole.

How To Chip Better

The critical thing about chipping is maintaining control over distance. Be sure not to apply too much backspin because this will cause more bounces from one side-to-the other instead of gently arcing towards the hole.

Types Of Golf Chips

There are a few different types of golf chips:

Where Can I Buy Golf Chips?

You can buy golf chips in various places; golf stores, big-box retailers, and even grocery stores. When you’re shopping for golfers, it is essential to note that not all golf balls are created equally, so the type of ball may be something to consider when buying your next batch of practice rounds or choosing what size bag you want full of golf balls at home.

Golf Stores: There are many different types available, but they will have at common their prices because there typically isn’t much variation between them. They also tend to carry both plastic and metal varieties. You can find just as few as five different colors (white, yellow, orange) up into over 20 colors on some models, depending on how specific you get with your golf chips.

Why Should I Use Golf Chips?

What Are The Advantages Of Playing With Golf Chips? What About Disadvantages?

The first advantage of using golf chips is their low price point – while each chip may cost $0.25-$0.50 each, most players will need at least five different types, which means a golf chipset can cost less than $15.

Another advantage is that chips do not damage the course or environment when they are left behind – while this may seem like something minor, it’s important to note because some courses prohibit players from throwing balls on their property out of fear of potential damages and lost revenue due to damaged greens. Using golf chips instead places them in a category with other toys such as marbles and horseshoes so that you won’t have any problems at all!

Starting with your grip, your hands must be together and in front of the ball – if they’re not, it will throw off your balance, leading to inaccurate shots or a potential shank at worst! You want to make sure there is space between them so that you don’t have any interference from one hand on the other.

Golf Tips

It’s essential that your hands are together and in front of the ball—if they’re not, then it’ll throw you off.  If you are a beginner also read our latest Golf Tips for Beginners.

Types Of Golf Chips

Where Can I Buy Golf Chips?

You can purchase golf chips on Amazon.

Why Should I Use Golf Chips?

The Reason you should consider using golf chips is that golf chips are great for practicing your chipping.

What Kind of Golf Chips Should I Buy?

The surface should determine the type of golf chip you’ll be playing on and what kind of lie you’ll have to work with. Soft, tacky ground demands a harder golf chip (think rubber) while hard or firm grounds need softer ones that will compress more efficiently.”