Single Plane Golf Swing Drills

By Ben Jarratt •  Updated: 07/14/23 •  7 min read

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Single plane golf swing drills are a great way to improve your golf game. There are endless variations of single plane drills that can help with anything from rotation, to tempo and more. This type of golf swing drill is very popular with both amateur and professional players. In this article, we are going to discuss what single plane golf swing drills are and how they benefit your game.

What are Single Plane Swing Golf Drills?

A single plane golf swing is simply a swing in which only the upper body rotates around one axis point, either the back hip or spine. 

This type of movement allows for more control over your clubhead path and direction than if you were swinging in both planes or swinging without planes at all. 

Swing drills that are done during practice do not have to match exactly how you play but should try to train your muscles to move correctly. Doing it this way will help you develop muscle memory when it comes to producing good swings.

What Are Some Examples of Simple Single Plane Golf Swing Drills?

One very popular drill with amateurs and pros alike is called the “floor-to-ceiling” drill. To start, hold an object like a club, broom handle, or anything else that can help you keep balance. 

Standing with your left side facing the wall in front of you, lift the object straight up overhead as high as you can and without turning your hips.

Another drill called “a degree at a time” is very useful for better understanding the way you need to rotate to produce a good swing. 

Standing with feet together and holding an object no less than 50 inches long like a golf club, hold it down by your side with one hand on the grip and one hand forming a fist around the butt end. 

Rotate from here using only your body, keeping both arms extended away from each other so they do not move during your rotation. This will give you an idea of what your body should be doing during a golf swing.

If you want to focus on the hip turn, yet another good drill is “the straw”. Stand with feet together holding out a long object like a broom handle or towel straight ahead of you. 

Breathe in and as you exhale slowly rotate through the ball on your left side keeping the object still where it was when you took that last breath in. 

This will train you for that exact moment needed to hit consistent golf shots, even if it doesn’t look exactly like what other people do.

To expect to be able to hit perfectly every time is unrealistic but these drills can help make sure that you are getting the most from each and every practice session by giving your muscles and brain as much practice as possible in the areas you need improvement.

Does Any Pro Use Single Plane Golf Swing Drills?

Ted Long is a professional golfer who has not had much success playing on the PGA Tour. However, he uses such a unique swing that it has earned him comparisons to John Daly, and his single plane swing may be the reason why. 

This type of backswing allows many golfers to have more control over their swings, so if you are struggling with your tempo or just want some better resistance against the wind, this may be right for you!

If Ted Long Can Do it, Then Why Can’t I?

Because you are already doing it! A lot of professionals use this same technique but they have perfected it through years of practice and experience. 

If you start using these drills and practicing them regularly to learn how to produce good shots at your school or golf club, you will eventually become a good player and find more consistency for yourself all while having fun doing it!

If you want to learn more about this style of swing check out this video with John Daly. He is very open about his personal experiences using the single plane swing.

How Do You Practice Single Plane Golf Swing Drills?

Start with your normal setup, hit a few balls, and make sure to pay attention to the position of your wrists at impact. 

Try to feel what happens in this area when you don’t move them properly and compare it with a ball where you feel like you’ve rotated well. Once you have that down, it’s time to practice the drill.

Place your club on top of your left foot and make sure you can see both the shaft and the grip. As you hinge into the backswing, try to keep contact between club and foot at all times. 

This will make sure that you don’t turn too early as well as help you to swing on a single plane. Make sure to set up in a good position as well!

The main things to focus on are the position of your wrists, and that you don’t turn too early and start opening the clubface before impact.

If you struggle with either of these things, this drill will help improve them dramatically. Just make sure you don’t let it become a habit!

If you struggle with taking the club upwards as well, this drill is also perfect for that.

You can take it one step further and use two clubs to make sure your hands stay under control:

Again – make sure you do not push the second one away from you with your body – just try to keep the clubs under control.

Tips on Single Plane Golf Swing Drills 

How Long Should I Do This For?

Until you feel that your wrists are more stable in the backswing. Aim to make it last around 10 minutes, and then try out a few full swings with a club!

It may feel awkward at first, but if you keep practicing it will become more natural. Swing by swing things will start to improve, and as always remember to have fun while doing so! 

This drill is very good because it teaches you how to control rotation – even though it does mean moving on from the usual grip/wrist position. 

It can be tough, but once you get used to this drill your playing partners are sure to notice an improvement in both your shots and the lines of your backswing! Practice makes perfect!

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