How to Fix a Golf Slice

By Ben Jarratt •  Updated: 07/14/23 •  6 min read

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Golfers who slice the ball to the left of their intended destination know that it can be frustrating. They also know that a golf instructor will tell them to move their hands from in front of their body, which is what creates a slice. But there are other things you need to work on as well if you want to stop slicing your shots. In this article, I will give you some tips on how to fix a golf slice.

What is a Golf Slice?

A golf slice occurs when the ball curves to the left of its intended destination. It’s actually a misnomer because the ball actually curves to the right, but when you look at it on a map, it looks like it curves left. What causes a golf slice?

When you normally grip your club and swing your arm through the shot, the clubface will be lined up with your spine. 

When this happens, there is weight on your heels and less on your toes. If you take off too much toe weight or have more weight on your heel than the toe, then the chances are that you’ll hit a hook or slice (depending on where you’ve got more weight). 

So to stop slicing your shots, you need to make sure that all of the weight is distributed evenly throughout the shot. Your hips should also be rotating consistently through the shot.

The Difference Between a Golf Slice and a Hook

A hook is when you hit the ball to the right of where you want it to go. A golf hook is usually caused by your hands moving too far in front of your body as you rotate, causing the clubface to be open at impact.

A golf slice is caused by you swinging your arms in the opposite rotational direction. When this happens, the clubface is closed at impact–the opposite of what you want it to be if you’re trying to slice the ball to the left, as mentioned above.

How to Fix a Golf Slice – Here is What You Can Do:

1) Work on your grip with the club

The size of the hands must be equal to each other so that one hand does not dominate over another. The gripping surface should be facing straight away from you (not inward or outward). 

All fingers must be fully wrapped around the grip and there should not be space between them or any knuckles exposed – these areas should be covered by fleshy parts on top of your hands as well as palms. It is crucial to maintain a consistent grip on the club throughout the golf swing.

2) Practice your stance in front of a mirror, or even better 

Have someone watch you and give you feedback on how to fix a golf slice. The golfer should stand straight up with his weight distributed 60% towards the balls of their feet (heels slightly off the ground).

His body must be balanced throughout the shot as well. In addition, find out how far apart your legs should be from each other. You will need to bend forward at an almost 90-degree angle using your knees more than bending over. 

Your head should fall right behind where your hands are gripping the club, and your eyes should also follow the ball if possible while standing in the correct stance.

3) Now it’s time to practice your swing 

A golf slice can be caused by an incorrect hand movement as well, which will most likely result in a weak hit and most likely cause the ball to move more towards the left of your intended destination. 

To fix this issue, start practicing your swing with short distances into a net or on the grass until you gain confidence by using correct hand movement. 

This may take several days or even weeks of practice but just keep going, and you’ll get there sooner than later! If you’re still struggling after all this time, then contact a professional for help if necessary since fixing a golf slice takes time.

4) Pay attention to how far away from your body the clubhead is located upon contact 

You want the club to move towards your left shoulder rather than behind you or in front of you – this is how to fix a golf slice: remember what I said earlier about correct hand movement, and keep that in mind when trying to fix your slice!

5) Keep all of this by being mindful of keeping the clubhead moving towards your body as well as swinging through the ball with slightly bent knees. 

It’s crucial so that there isn’t any wasted energy throughout the swing, and it goes into accelerating the club head across the ball at impact instead. This will help tremendously for fixing a golf slice since it’s going to force the ball straight down the middle on most shots if done correctly.

How to Fix a Golf Slice

When you address the ball in your stance, aim your driver about 10 degrees open from center-left. Your weight should be slightly over your front foot (your toes). 

Keep your swing close to your body as you practice hitting straight shots; if this feels comfortable, begin swinging harder until you strike at 100% strength – but not 100% speed. 

Don’t force a swing that feels uncomfortable, but keep your eyes on the ball as long as possible before you strike it.

Using a driver, ball position is an important aspect of fixing your slice immediately. Use the longest club to get behind the ball at address, with the center of gravity positioned slightly toward the toes of your back foot and about 2 inches inside or behind your left heel (right-handed players). 

When hitting out of this stance, try to hit straight shots instead of pushing them hard to make sure they go left – you want them to go farther than anything else so you can track them down from the tee box.

How to Fix a Golf Slice – Conclusion

Fixing a golf slice is not something that will be fixed overnight, as some people think. I know it can be frustrating to work on for so long, but if you’re committed and put in the necessary practice time, then you’ll see how to fix a golf slice!

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