How to Hit a Power Fade

By dj-admin •  Updated: 07/14/23 •  6 min read

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A power fade is a type of golf shot that causes the ball to fly downward at an angle, rather than straight ahead of you like most shots. In this article, we will discuss the techniques necessary on how to hit a power fade.

This means that if your goal was to get past a tree or over a bunker, you would want to use this technique so you don’t have to swing as hard. 

What is Power Fade?

A power fade shot is when your swing plane is open at impact. This means that instead of hitting the ball straight on, you’re actually slightly aiming down and away from your target.

In doing this, you will have a greater chance of landing short in front of the hole, or just past it. A power fade essentially gives you an extra club length because you can’t hit the ball that far, so don’t expect to be making long bombs with this technique!

This shot is often used by golf professionals in tournaments when accuracy matters more than distance, and the professional does not need to blast a powerful drive in order to keep up with his opponents. 

Executing a power fade takes more than just a strong, full swing; it requires an accurate estimate of the correct angle and trajectory before you make your stroke.

When Should You Use a Power Fade?

The ideal time to incorporate power fades in your golf game is whenever the situation dictates it. 

However specifically if you are trying to get over an obstacle like a bunker or tree, this technique can be useful because it will help you avoid hitting the object that’s keeping you from landing the ball on the green. 

If your goal is simply to land well past the pin so that your putt will be easier, using a power fade can be especially effective.

Specifically though – as mentioned above – make sure not to swing too hard with your power fade because that can lead to shots going very high in the air, which is a real bummer when your goal is just to get over a bunker or tree.

How To Hit A Power Fade

How to Hit a Power Fade

A power fade is not a tremendously difficult golf shot, but it does take some finesse. If you’re trying to learn how to use this technique for the first time, here’s how to do it:

The first step on how to hit a power fade is to ensure that you are using proper equipment. The clubface should be lofted at around 35 degrees, which will put the ball off at an angle and appropriate distance for this kind of shot. 

You also want to have a swing weight of D1 or lower on your driver, which makes it easier for most people’s arms and bodies to handle heavy clubs when they really don’t need them. This usually means choosing graphite over titanium as a material, due to its lighter weight.

In order to make the shot, you will need to know how high and far away you are from your target before swinging. Beginners can use an estimation method of aiming by aiming 20 degrees less than they think they need to in height (for example aiming for 40 yards when the range is 60), then using the same amount of extra loft as you used in overestimating. 

You’ll want to start with only about ten degrees extra yardage or so and keep increasing it until hitting that sixty-yard measurement doesn’t feel like your golf swing has been compromised too much. Now that we have these details taken care of, we need a few more specific techniques for the execution of this shot.

When you begin your backswing, you don’t want to have your weight leaning forward significantly. This is important so that during the downswing, the arms will not be moving at a disadvantage; they will stay on their own level as much as possible because of the body shift with this technique.

 The beginning of the backswing should also be smooth and fast in order to start increasing club speed quickly. A slow, gradual movement back or forth could cause you to lose momentum when it comes time for impact and wreak havoc on your shot trajectory.

The transition from upper-back down and through golfers should move smoothly together; don’t let yourself freeze up at any point, especially after starting the stroke off of your left foot. The downswing will be relatively straightforward, with the only deviation being a smooth rotation of your hips to unlock the rest of your body. 

After impact, hold your finish position for a moment while you wait to see if you’ve hit the ball well; this is one way to know whether or not you’re getting the most out of each shot.

A good power fade should go just as far as a normal stroke, but with the distance being pulled back due to the club’s angle.

After you have hit this shot a few times, it will become second nature and you will be able to quickly make adjustments to get it right where you want it. All that is really required of your golf swing technique is sharpness and not too much movement; focus on keeping things simple and smooth in order to execute this properly.

How To Hit A Power Fade – Location

How to Hit a Power Fade - location to set up a power fade

The location where you choose to set up for a power fade is important as well. Beginners should try setting up at an angle from their target rather than directly behind it. 

When doing this, they’ll actually have two options: 

This shot should not take more than two or three seconds, and it can easily be pulled off if you have been practicing with the correct technique and getting feedback from golf professionals on your progress.

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