Putts are one of the most important aspects to a golfer’s game. Putting can be frustrating and difficult, but with practice you can improve your putting skills and lower your score on the green. Here are some tips, techniques and drills that will help you putt better! Also you might be thinking – Should I play Pro V1 or Pro V1x?
Top Tips to Improve Your Putting Game Fast
- Pick a time of day when you are rested and feeling good. That way, your mind will be ready to focus on the task at hand!
- Visualize where you want the ball to go before making your stroke and stick with that line as long as possible while putting. This may sound like it’s hard but after some practice it will become more natural.
- If you’re having a hard time visualizing where the ball should go, use an alignment stick or marker to help show your target line. You can also try drawing a line on the ground in front of your feet with something like chalk or tape!
- Make sure that you are standing perpendicular to the ball and square to your target line.
- Place a club about an inch behind the ball, gripping it with both hands on either side of the shaft. Your thumbs should be pointing down towards your putter head as you look at them in front of you (not across from each other). This is called a “tennis grip”.
- Make sure that the club is high up on your palms and press down with a slight twisting motion. You should feel some pressure in your right palm, which will be balanced by pressure from the left hand pressing upwards against it. Your grip should not have any gaps between your hands or fingers, but you want to avoid having them squeezed too tight.
- Aim your putter head at the ball and line up with it so that the face of the club is facing towards you in an “L” shape and close to the ground. The end result should be a long, straight backswing followed by a short, firm forward swing while making contact with as little pressure from your hands as possible.
- Ensure that the head of your putter is square to the ball and make sure you are standing with your feet shoulder width apart or closer together if necessary, but not too close so that they touch. You should also be about 18 inches away from the hole when making a stroke on it (if there’s more than one hole, either 18 inches from the next-closest or have a predetermined distance).
- When it comes to making contact with the ball, aim lower than you think you should and make sure your club head is perpendicular to the ground. The more surface area of the ball that’s in contact with your putter at impact will lead to a smoother and more consistent roll.
- Try not to use your hands too much at impact, instead relying on the weight of your shoulders against gravity for most of the force behind the stroke and using a firm grip where you squeeze with only two fingers (the index finger should be touching one side of the shaft) while placing the thumb on the other side.
- Keep your putter perpendicular to the ground until you’ve made contact with the ball, and don’t be afraid of making a long backstroke when putting from far away as it will make for an easier roll
If we’re talking about posture: When standing over your ball, keep your weight on both feet evenly, with your shoulders square to the target. Address the ball by gripping it and rolling it back in between your feet so that you can take a few practice strokes.
- When putting, try taking some of this pressure off your hands and using gravity for more power
- Keep looking at the hole as long as possible until you’re putting.
- Keep your head down, with all of the weight on your left foot and both hands in front of you
- Make sure to keep a tight grip while putting as this will ensure that you’re not gripping too hard or letting go at any point during the stroke
It’s important to have some consistency when making putts, which is why it’s important to know how far your putts typically travel.
- The rule of thumb for the distance between each foot equals one full length of a ball (i.e., if you’re making a 20 footer, stand with both feet together)
If there are any distractions on the green or around you, such as a leaf or someone walking, it can affect your putt.
- It’s best to keep the ball low on this type of shot because you don’t want obstacles like leaves in your line and overshooting
Practicing at home is important too! You should be able to comfortably make any putt that you would usually take on the golf course.
- The key is to keep your original grip and posture for putting
Most importantly, you want to be relaxed when making a putt because it can affect the power of your stroke if you’re tense or stressed out. You may even get lucky enough to see better results in that way! It’s also important not to change your grip for any putt.
You should practice putting at home because you need to be comfortable with making all the putts on the course, not just a few of them!
- If you want to see better results in this area it’s important that before each stroke, take time and visualize where you want the ball to go.
- If you’re feeling nervous or unsure about a putt, it’s recommended that you take two practice strokes before the actual stroke
The number one way to get better at putting is by practicing. You should be able to make any successful putt with enough time and effort!
A lot of people find success in the putting green by imagining the putt going in before they make it.
You should also not forget to take your time and aim for the right spot, if you miss then don’t feel too bad because this is just one of those things that will happen when playing golf or any other sport!
The key to a good putter is the grip. You need to have a firm and stable grip on the putter, it’s best if you place your index finger over the end of the handle while having three fingers under the thumb.
You should also make sure that when putting, your entire body is pointing towards where you’re looking or aiming for!
Lastly, remember that putting is a skill that takes time to master. Most people tend to tense up on the green and let distractions get the best of them. This is the part of golf that requires a calm, cool, and collected head. Visualize the shot and then take it. Don’t overthink it. We hope that this list of tips will help improve your putting game, enjoy the process and enjoy the game!
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